The vast quantity of information that is accessible to the
general public via the internet is astounding. Even more astounding is the fact
that anyone, anywhere in the developed world has the ability to hop on a
computer, connect to the internet and post whatever they please. Blogging can
be a great outlet for any individual seeking to voice their, opinion, wisdom,
and experiences with the world, and as informative and knowledgeable as many blogs
can be, there are also a large number that brilliantly satire and parody the
news and world around us.
through Facebook on an average day, one might witness several articles pop up
that blatantly headline some seemingly outlandish claim. The sheer irrationality
of the claim then prompts you to follow the link, and low and behold, it’s just
The Onion. The Onion is a blog full of ridiculousness. It’s stocked full of
brazenly false and exaggerated articles, which provide for hours of wonderful, parodic
fun. While this blog generally aims at entertaining its audience, it also
provides a lot of awareness and promotion for current issues. After being lured
in by controversial headlines, The Onion can actually make some good points
through well-devised satire in many areas, such as politics, popular sports,
and science/technology. The only thing I don’t enjoy about this website is the individuals
that don’t understand it. There are far too many people in the world that read
too literally into websites like The Onion and don’t realize that the actual
articles are usually a joke. In a world full of serious news, some well
thought, humorous satire helps everyone escape while still being informed.